
[Photo]Hyun Joong featured on DALKI Schoolbag

reposted by: ellekingdom.blogspot.com

...."DALKI Cao Meimei "This brand South Korea drops, very sweet!!...it's a girl bag and this is for baby! still have Hyun Joong's face....so that mean he is the most popular in korea...Asia and around the world,right??.....kkkkkk

[Photo]Hyun Joong - Ready action [Nologo]

Reposted by ellekingdom.blogspot.com

so clear!! coz no logo..photos r beautiful...the most important model so handsome!!! LOL

[Photo]Hyun Joong - Playful Kiss Superlove Screenshot

Credit:选择默默守护你+KHJ Baidu
repost on: ellekingdom.blogspot.com

I love 1st pic!! ur face!! hhaaha...I miss PK...and them so much!!..what about Yt special episode 2??...LOL

[Photo]Hyun Joong - Hotsun Chicken

FR:gall.dcinside+KHJ Baidu

I love guy that swear pink shirt!!!!! LOL .....Can i touch u,Hyun joong??...XDD